For the latest crime report click link below. Please remember that these are reported crimes, which means these are listed prior to follow-up so they may change. i.e, it may be dispatched as auto theft but after report it maybe a person with a repossessed automobile.
PS..We attempt to keep current on the weekly crime stats, however, If crime stats aren't up to date please check the Savannah-Chatham Metro Police website for more information!
Kensington Park Community Association maintains a list of residents emergency contact information and email addresses to use in case of emergency. It is used judiciously for issues like lost pets or suspicious activity. If you would like to be added to the list please click on the following link and send us your name, email address, physical address and emergency contact number.
Kensington Park Community Association maintains a list of residents emergency contact information and email addresses to use in case of emergency. It is used judiciously for issues like lost pets or suspicious activity. If you would like to be added to the list please click on the following link and send us your name, email address, physical address and emergency contact number.
- All information is strictly confidential.
Lock It Or Lose It!
Kensington Park, Groveland and surrounding communities is always mindful of being preyed upon by the thieves in the night who are entering autos. We will place the Lock it Lose it signs throughout the neighborhood when we see an increase in car enterings, or if we are acting in advance of what is the busy season; holiday time, schools out, etc. When you see these signs in the neighborhood, take heed and do as they suggest! Please remember to remove ALL of the visible contents of your car and lock the doors nightly. Even a brown paper bag with garbage in it can be mistaken by the thief as valuable and your car can be broken into for that bag of trash. (we never said these creeps were smart)
As a suggestion "LOCK IT TIGHT WHEN YOU SAY GOODNIGHT"......... make it a habit to click your car key fob and hear your car alarm beep nightly when you check to make sure the front door is locked, or when you say goodnight to your family. If you leave your car open, even by mistake, you may have a good night but you'll have a terrible morning.
Also..REPORT ALL CRIME....yes it takes a few minutes, but if you don't report the crime, the local police precinct doesn't have any information on which to base the deployment of the officers for things like sting operations, under cover investigations or the addition of officers to a beat. Please help us reduce crime by doing your part. Thanks!
Kensington Park, Groveland and surrounding communities is always mindful of being preyed upon by the thieves in the night who are entering autos. We will place the Lock it Lose it signs throughout the neighborhood when we see an increase in car enterings, or if we are acting in advance of what is the busy season; holiday time, schools out, etc. When you see these signs in the neighborhood, take heed and do as they suggest! Please remember to remove ALL of the visible contents of your car and lock the doors nightly. Even a brown paper bag with garbage in it can be mistaken by the thief as valuable and your car can be broken into for that bag of trash. (we never said these creeps were smart)
As a suggestion "LOCK IT TIGHT WHEN YOU SAY GOODNIGHT"......... make it a habit to click your car key fob and hear your car alarm beep nightly when you check to make sure the front door is locked, or when you say goodnight to your family. If you leave your car open, even by mistake, you may have a good night but you'll have a terrible morning.
Also..REPORT ALL CRIME....yes it takes a few minutes, but if you don't report the crime, the local police precinct doesn't have any information on which to base the deployment of the officers for things like sting operations, under cover investigations or the addition of officers to a beat. Please help us reduce crime by doing your part. Thanks!
One of neighborhood artists asks the questions we all want answered!
Lock It Or Lose It
City of Savannah recognizes Kensington Park Community Association leaders for the creation of the "Lock it or Lose it" Campaign. KPCA president Pam Miller honored to speak to media about the 6 weeks with no car break ins!
During the later part of Spring 2013, the neighborhoods of Kensington Park, Groveland, Oakdale, Habersham Woods and Jackson Woods (Waters to Habersham, Stephenson to DeRenne) saw a drastic increase in the number of cars being entered and car thefts Car break-ins are the single largest crime in all of Savannah, but KPCA took a stand against those rising statistics! Most of these thefts of belongings from vehicles happened during the night as a result of people leaving their cars open and valuables inside. We also saw a significant number of car thefts during that same period. Most of those occurred when people left spare keys in the open vehicles. In order to raise awareness and to remind our neighbors to lock their cars every night, Kensington Park leaders created a "Lock it or Lose it" campaign. Through our neighborhood dues, KPCA bought 20 signs that have been placed within the above perimeter and we have seen great results. Together we have made a difference!
Do you have outside video surveillance? If so, our Crime Watch Captain Tommy Taylor would like to speak to you. As home monitoring gets more sophisticated and technical, many people are opting for video monitoring. There are several known camera systems in Kensington Park. One of the ideas underway is for the homeowners association to provide a computer memory card to those homeowners and when a crime occurs, those who are participating can copy the last 24 hours of tape which we can provide to the police department to assist them in the apprehension and conviction of these crooks. So if you have a camera that is recording outside, please contact Tommy Taylor by clicking on the button above marked crime watch list and write "I have a camera" in the subject heading..and thanks so much.
How to Avoid Being A Victim of Crime
While nothing is foolproof here are some things you as a homeowner can do:
( Check it from time to time to assure proper operation.)
General: Never buy from a door-to-door salesman. If you need a service, do your own research! Let neighbors know when you are going away, or notify the KPCA neighborhood watch through our contact form. (information is confidential) Having a large screen TV visible from the street can be a calling card for crooks. Change the position of your curtains and blinds from time to time, leave them open some and closed some.
Landscaping: Keep plants trimmed back so no one can hide under them.
Install motion sensor lighting. Keep landscape lights and front porch lights on at night. If you have gates to back yard fences install a lock and chain. All utilities can now be read from the street via computers so utility companies do not have to be in your backyard.
Windows: Keep windows closed and locked when you are away. Pin windows or use secondary locks. Be careful not to nail windows shut so that you can escape if necessary. Use dowels or thumb-screw locks.
Garages: Keep garage doors closed and locked at all times. Cover garage windows to keep people from viewing what is inside.
( Check it from time to time to assure proper operation.)
General: Never buy from a door-to-door salesman. If you need a service, do your own research! Let neighbors know when you are going away, or notify the KPCA neighborhood watch through our contact form. (information is confidential) Having a large screen TV visible from the street can be a calling card for crooks. Change the position of your curtains and blinds from time to time, leave them open some and closed some.
Landscaping: Keep plants trimmed back so no one can hide under them.
Install motion sensor lighting. Keep landscape lights and front porch lights on at night. If you have gates to back yard fences install a lock and chain. All utilities can now be read from the street via computers so utility companies do not have to be in your backyard.
Windows: Keep windows closed and locked when you are away. Pin windows or use secondary locks. Be careful not to nail windows shut so that you can escape if necessary. Use dowels or thumb-screw locks.
Garages: Keep garage doors closed and locked at all times. Cover garage windows to keep people from viewing what is inside.